Outreachy Fedora Portfoilo

Hi, my name is Nancy Nwankwo!

Summary: In March 2024, during the Outreachy Contribution Stage, I made contributions to Fedora and here is the what, how and takeaways.


This portfolio serves as a comprehensive overview of my contributions during the Outreachy internship with Fedora. It's designed to provide mentors with easy access to and assessment of my work during the contribution stage. Here are my contributions:

Blog Articles & Guides

Key Insights from Writing Articles & Guides

Contributing articles and guides felt natural to me during this stage, as writing is an area I truly enjoy. One significant takeaway was discovering the freedom to use my inner voice, particularly evident in the introductory part of the article "More than Just Open Source: A Gentle Introduction to Fedora". Typically, I write articles quite formally, especially for clients, which carried over into my personal blog posts. I didn't realize I could unleash my inner voice until now.

In the article "Restarting Community Ops: Join our first meeting" on the Fedora Community Blog, I experimented with injecting my personality. This experience boosted my confidence in expressing my witty, cute, and hilarious side in my writing.

While researching for the article "More than Just Open Source: A Gentle Introduction to Fedora" and exploring Fedora in general, I had a light bulb moment. This led to the creation of "Fedora Like I am 7", showcasing my ability to think creatively and provide solutions to benefit others.

Additionally, writing an Outreachy Guide helped me gain a better understanding of Outreachy and my role as an applicant. It was an enriching learning experience for me.

Social Media Posts

Key Lessons Learned from Social Media Contributions

Before this stage, I didn't have much experience with crafting social media posts, so I initially found it challenging to dive into the tasks. However, I conducted research and learned how it was done at Fedora, which made the process easier for me.

One of my tasks involved creating a social media post to promote my article titled "More than Just Open Source: A Gentle Introduction to Fedora". This was a new experience for me because I had never focused on crafting social media posts to promote my articles before.

This experience showed me that I can make my social media posts engaging and capture people's attention, encouraging them to read the article I'm promoting.

Additionally, I wrote social media posts for Fedora project, covering topics such as Flock to Fedora 2024, Fedora Atomic Desktops, Fedora Slimbook, Fedora Cloud, and Fedora 40. This was my first attempt at creating social media posts specifically for Fedora.

As I continued contributing, I gained more confidence in my ability to craft compelling social media posts and helped with social media support for Podman, CoreOS, Toolbx Test Day.

Through these experiences, I learned how to make social media posts more engaging and how to convey ideas effectively within the constraints of character limits.


Key Learnings from Other Contributions

Besides writing articles and social media posts, I undertook various other tasks for Fedora during this contribution stage. Some of these tasks were prerequisites required for internship consideration.

I had to set up my FAS account and update my profile. This helps Fedora tools recognize me and lets other contributors know my time zone and other details. Additionally, I signed the Fedora Project Contributor Agreement, agreeing to share my work under open-source licenses. This process helped me understand the importance of these steps for someone interested in open source.

Creating a portfolio showcasing my Outreachy contributions with Fedora was another task. It was my first time doing this, and I see its potential for future use. I can tailor similar portfolios to showcase contributions to other projects or even my work as a writer. This experience has shown me how to customize my future portfolios effectively.

I also crafted a timeline outlining my plans for Fedora if chosen as an intern. This was my first time creating such a detailed timeline. It allowed me to research and articulate my goals for this period. Now, if I need to create a similar high-level timeline in the future, I feel more prepared.

One of my most exciting contributions was proposing "Fedora Like I am 7". I created a ticket suggesting the creation of a simple, easy-to-understand guide or glossary of key terms used in Fedora. This initiative aims to make Fedora more accessible and understandable. Creating this ticket boosted my confidence in using GitLab. While I was uncertain the first time, now I feel more confident in creating concise and effective tickets for future projects.

My Biggest Contribution

My biggest contribution during this stage was creating "Fedora Like I am 7". While exploring Fedora, I realized we could simplify it for everyone. So, I started this project to explain Fedora in easy terms, like talking to a 7-year-old. The goal is to make Fedora easier for everyone to understand and grow its community. I wrote a proposal and started a ticket on GitLab for it. I'm excited to keep working on it!