I am passionate about making written words easier to understand. I am an avid reader with a deep love for travel, skincare, and self-care. I am currently changing my life through tech.
Have you ever wanted to dive into the world of Linux but found yourself overwhelmed by technical jargon? Imagine explaining Fedora, a Linux operating...
your guide to outreachy internship ยท Key terms used in this guide Applicant: Someone applying to be an intern. Intern: Selected applicants who work...
When you hear the word, Fedora, the first thing that might come to your mind is the snazzy cowboy hat seen in old movies. You know, the ones that make...
Key terms used in this article Server: A big computer that runs an API. API: The part of a website meant for computers, not people. Client: A...
Key terms used in this article Iterative The term "iterative" describes a method in which a product's or application's design is improved through...
Introduction Google Chrome has made internet browsing seamless thanks to the various features, options, and customizations it possesses. Although It...